Need to increase giving?

Need to increase giving?

I want to share with you eight reasons why you should consider help when it comes to increasing your giving.  One of the best quotes I have read about why you should consider help to increase your giving is, “Do what you do best and outsource the rest!”  Tom Peters, Management guru.  Pastors and staff are trained and equipped to do ministry not raise money.  As a result they tend to avoid planning or even talking about money.  Yet here is a reality, without a plan your giving will decline.  Another reality of church life, pastors and staff really don’t know how to plan for an increase in giving.  If that is you then you need to outsource it!

Here are eight reasons why your church should consider outsourcing…

1.  You get skilled expertise in areas where you are not as strong.  Pastors are good at many things but they cannot be good at everything.  Focus on your strengths and outsource to your weaknesses.

2.  It helps you be more efficient.  Efficiency saves you time.  You are already pressed for time.  Any means of saving you time is a plus.  Outsourcing accomplishes this.

3.  It makes you more effective.  All of us long to be effective.  Focusing on what you are good at allows you to be more effective.

4.  It makes your work more enjoyable.  Those things you truly hate to do if outsourced makes your life simpler and more enjoyable.  When you enjoy your work you work better!

5.  It saves you money.  If you hired someone to do everything that needed to be done your budget would swell to immense proportions.  Outsourcing keeps your salary and benefit costs down thus saving you money.

6.  It improves the services you offer.  A good outsource partner not only allows you to accomplish more they bring new innovative services to your ministry.

7.  It allows you to expand and grow.  All of the above should position you to better advance the growth potential of your church.  Reaching people and making disciples is what we are to be about.

8.  Outsourcing stewardship to The Stewardship Coach will allow you to fully fund your ministries.

My members get the expert help they want and need for a fair price.  They can directly access me.  Unlike some major plans that promise to rocket you to success we deliver personalized help.  Every week you get the tools you need to increase giving.  Every week you get personal time with me, The Stewardship Coach.  I can help get you fully funded!

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Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach