Loading the trunk and tithingDo you know the 4 keys steps needed to increase summer giving?  Knowing these four keys could mean the difference between all your missions and ministry initiatives being fully funded or not.  Before I share with you here the four keys let me tell you how you can find out more…

4 Steps for Increasing Summer Giving – Here are the four key steps you need to be working on now…

1.  Get a plan!  Right now you are putting the final touches on your plans for mission trips, camps, Vacation Bible School and a host of other summer activities.  Why would you not have a plan to fund those vital initiatives?  I have helped scores of churches develop effective summer giving plans and I can help you.

2.  Develop your story.  My mantra is, “Get a story, work your story, tell your story and people will give willingly to support your story.”  What is your story this summer?  Another way to ask this is, what is your vision?  What will your church be attempting this summer?  Do you know how to develop a story so that people will want to give to support it?  I do!  So attend my webinar to begin finding out how to develop yours.

3.  Build your tool box.  Before you start any home improvement project you make sure you have the right tools for the task.  The same is true when it comes to increasing your giving this summer.  Do you have the right tools?  Do you know how to use the tools you have?  I can teach you the right tools you need and how to use them.

4.  Work your plan.  While this might seem obvious it isn’t.  I have put together giving plans for churches and they never got off the shelf.  You not only need a plan but you must work your plan.  This includes continually reviewing and updating your plan.  To increase giving someone must own the plan to see it work.  Who owns increasing giving at your church?  One thing you get when you become a Stewardship Coach member is accountability towards making giving a key part of your overall ministry plan.  What is not funded does not get accomplished!

Are you ready to reverse the decline in summer giving?  I can help you just like I help some of the largest churches in America.   Let’s get started on fully funding your summer!

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach

PS.  You can get started right now by joining The Stewardship Coach at http://thestewardshipcoach.org/join-now/