IMG_0962We are almost finished with the third quarter of the year and my question to you is, what is your plan?  Churches have plans for everything but do you have a giving plan?  My guess is that you don’t.  The vast majority of churches don’t have a giving plan.  Could this be one reason why giving to the church is in decline?

As we begin another football season how many teams do you think enter into the fourth quarter without a plan?  Few if any.  Those that don’t have a plan are really planning on failing.  Why would it be any different for you and your church?

You don’t need a plan if…

Your giving is off the charts and you don’t know what to do with all the money that pours in every week!

You just don’t give a flip about doing anything but preaching and then going to play some golf.

That doesn’t sound like you?  OK, then like the rest of us you need a plan of action.  What are you doing right now that will help increase giving and givers at your church?  How will you close the gap that the summer slump created?  How will you end the year on a positive note?

I put together plans for every season of the year and every week of the year!  Using my plans churches have increased their giving despite the economy.  Here is what one pastor wrote me recently…

Thanks to what I’ve learned from you…

Envelope (pledged) giving is up by 6% over last year.

Loose Plate giving is up 46% over last year.

Electronic giving is up by 55% over last year and a whopping 259% over 2013.

Thought I’d pass the good word on to my coach!

You want to know how he arrived at that kind of report?  He had a plan and he worked his plan!  Guess where he got that plan, The Stewardship Coach’s Giving365!

Find out more at  Take my 14 day trail for only $1.  To sign up go here

Let’s get you a game plan that will help you finish not just this third quarter but the whole year well.  Let me be your Stewardship Coach!

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach