There are 5 key elements you need to know to make your direct appeal bring in more money!  Direct appeals work!  If they didn’t you would not be getting them from various charities either in your email inbox or your regular mail box.  The key however is to avoid the mistakes most churches make, the last post here, AND know the 5 key elements of an effective direct appeal.

Here are the key elements of an effective direct appeal.  Direct appeals work when they are used effectively.  Here are some key elements that I look for in direct appeals.

  1. Start with a bang! “I cannot let that woman die…”  That was the opening of one of the most successful email blasts I have worked on.  It caught my attention and made me want to read the entire letter.  Much like a sermon introduction your appeal introduction either wins the right to be read or gets your appeal deleted or thrown away.  Work to make the start of your letter appealing and impactful and you will see a better result.
  2. Use bold and underlined text. People are busy these days and they have to process so much information that they skim most everything.  So using bold and underlined text draws their attention to what you want them to read.
  3. Get in and get out! Your members are busy so you need to say what you need to say quickly.  This is especially true when it comes to email.  Shorter paragraphs and sentences will get read more than lengthy elegant prose.
  4. Always use a PS. Studies show that people almost always read the PS.  I typically use the PS to highlight online giving or briefly summarize the action I have asked for in the appeal.
  5. Send something, but do it right! Direct appeals work so get yours out there.  Yet anything worth doing is worth doing right!  Direct appeals could help you close the gap on giving especially this summer.

Would you like to get help crafting appealing appeals?  Last week one of my members sent me her direct appeal letter for setting recurring giving this summer.  I reviewed the letter, made a few changes, suggested some other things to insert and generally improved the look and feel of the letter.  I spent maybe an hour on this for her.  You know what it cost her?  $1.  That is all I charge.  Wouldn’t you love to have a giving coach at your beck and call?  Try my plan for 14 days for only $1!

If my plan doesn’t work for you I will refund you your money!  With summer coming you need to think what letters and appeals you want to send.  Let me help you!

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach

Get my 2016 Fully Funded Summer manual now for only $9.95!  It has everything you need to help you be fully funded this summer.  Go to…