Preacher-with-BibleIn almost 19 years of working in the stewardship ministry I have found that the biggest offering killer is all too often the Senior Pastor!  This will surprise you no doubt but it many instances the biggest barrier is the one you would think would be most engaged to see giving increase, the Senior Pastor.

First, let me say that for 20 years I was a Senior Pastor and about the only time I thought of the offering or giving is when we were behind budget and not able to do some ministry OR pay staff!  I was as bad as today’s pastor.  Why is it that so many pastors give so little thought to something as crucial as being fully funded?  Here are some thoughts…

Pastors have never been trained how to increase giving.  From the earliest days of ministry preparation in college through my seminary days and into studying for my doctorate I never had one class dealing with giving.  NONE.  So, if from the beginning budget planning, working to increase giving, etc. is not stressed how would a pastor be equipped to increase giving?

The tyranny of the urgent sets most pastors back.  Pastors today are required to do more and be more than ever before.  The weight of this is crushing.  Few if any pastors leave their office at the end of the day feeling like they got everything done.  So, who has time to think about giving plans?

Many don’t see giving as their responsibility.  From our educational days onward we get a picture painted by professors and laymen that pastors should be above dirty things like money.  Where is that in the Bible?  Nowhere!  If the pastor is the spiritual head of the local church why is giving not under a pastoral responsibility?  I get that he is too busy to do it all but he should at least have his finger on the pulse of giving.

Many pastors think that getting help is too costly.  I hear a lot from pastors that they can’t afford my Giving365 program.  Really?  It costs $365 a year or a dollar a day.  I do all the work for you giving you weekly offering talks, seasonal giving plans, personal access to me 24/7.  In essence I take care of all your giving program needs for a dollar a day.  My clients see amazing results.  The money they pay me is more than made up by the dollars they raise.  How is it they can’t afford that?  Frankly you can’t afford NOT to have some giving plan.

Do you have a plan to increase giving and givers?  If so, good for you.  Save $365 dollars to spend on something else.  IF however right now your giving is struggling then you need to engage a giving coach!

Try my plan for $1 for 14 days!  Go to

Don’t be the biggest offering killer at your church!  Let me, The Stewardship Coach, help you right now.

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach