CamelPastor, who holds your camels?  Before you say you don’t have any camels let me explain.  When the mighty men of Israel went forth in battle someone had to hold the camels and watch the baggage.  Great armies are able to be great because of great support systems.  Soldiers need not only bullets but beans to eat or they won’t have the strength to shoot straight.  Every successful army is supported by many others who never step foot on the battlefield.  The better the support an army gets logistically the better equipped they are to fight.  Someone has to hold the camels!

“My job in the Kingdom of God is to hold the camels.”  That was my opening line to a church recently.  They looked at me like you looked at this headline.  I could hear it in their minds as they said, “Huh?”  Yet think about it.  Every Sunday you hold church.  Most of the attention is what happens on the platform for the hour or so of worship.  Yet how many people help make that happen that never even appear on the platform?  How many volunteers does it take to pull off a weekend service at your church?  How many hours does that accumulate to?  You could not do what you do without help.

The Bible understands the importance of those who hold the camels.  Consider the story of when King David and his army destroyed the Amalekites in I Samuel 30.  Some of his men did not want to give the spoils to those that stayed behind.  I Samuel 30: 24 David says, “The share of the man who stayed with the supplies is to be the same as that of him who went down to the battle.  All will share alike.  David made this a statue and ordinance for Israel from that day to this.”

Paul talks about essentially the same thing in the church when in Ephesians 4:15, 16 he says, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.  From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”  My work for the church is…

To reverse the decline in giving one church at a time is my life’s mission.  By God’s grace I have and continue to work with many of the largest churches in America.  Currently my largest client has an annual operating budget of $20 million.  Yet I also serve many churches whose annual budget is less than $100K.  Each needs help.  I am honored to be called by God to do this.  This is my mission.  It is why I get up every morning.  I is why I write what I write and do what I do.  I am a camel holder.  It is not glorious in the eyes of many but it is needed.

So when it comes to building givers and increasing giving who is holding that camel for you?  Here is what I do for members…

  • Weekly editions of The Stewardship Coach newsletter,
  • Weekly offering talks to increase giving during the offering
  • Access to my webinar, “Mondays With Mark The Stewardship Coach;”
  • Stewardship sermons, sample emails, and direct mail letters that will increase giving,
  • Giving plans and manuals like my Easter Giving Plan, Summer Giving Plan, End of Year Giving Plan, 1st Time Donor Plan and more,
  • Social Media helps to increase your giving!
  • Ability to contact me personally by email to answer all your questions on giving, review your letters and emails!

I do all of this for $1 a day or $365 a year.  I charge because I like to eat!  You can try my system for 14 days for only $1 $1 for 14 Day Trail offer

Is it worth paying $365 for?  If at the end of the year you don’t feel it was then I will refund you your money!  If you can find someone to do all of the above for you better and cheaper then go with them but get someone to hold your giving camel!