Acts 17 Generosity

Acts 17 Generosity

If churches are going to increase giving they have to move to an Acts 17 generosity mindset!  What does Acts 17 have to do about giving?  Let me explain. Giving to the Church is changing due to the demographic shift in America.  How will this shift impact giving?  I...
5 Keys to a Better Offering Time

5 Keys to a Better Offering Time

I want to give you 5 keys to a better offering time.  Every Friday I post a blog dedicated to some aspect of the offering.  I have written more on offerings and written more offering talks than any other person I know of.  Churches that have used my materials have...
When Taking Up the Offering…Never Apologize!

When Taking Up the Offering…Never Apologize!

If I could give you one piece of advice as you head into this week’s offering time it would be… When taking up the offering…Never Apologize! Before you think that you never do that consider this.  Do you ever before the offering is taken up say...
Use Testimonies to Improve Your Offerings

Use Testimonies to Improve Your Offerings

Here is my tip of the day to improve giving, use testimonies to improve your offerings. My mentor in the stewardship field, Dave Sutherland, use to say, “Nothing moves a heart like a heart that has been moved.”  We used testimonies regularly in our work with churches...