Fourth Quarter Planning

Many a game is won or lost in the fourth quarter including the Super Bowl.  Last year’s Super Bowl was an exception to that as Denver was blown out of the game almost from the first snap.  None the less the fact remains that a lot of games are won or lost in the...

Why Churches Don’t Get Professional Help (But You Should)

The number one reason why churches don’t get professional help for increasing giving is they won’t spend the money.  The reality is however that doing it yourself ends up costing you much more than you save.  Studies have shown this to be true and I can...
Why Giving Success Takes Help

Why Giving Success Takes Help

Reading, Why Giving Success Takes Help, could mean the difference in making budget this year or not!  I firmly believe that all of us are better when we get help!  Let me illustrate with a story from my past. A few years ago I wanted to break my marathon goal of...
Why Do You Need a Giving Plan and How to Get One

Why Do You Need a Giving Plan and How to Get One

Why do you need a giving plan?  Without a plan and someone holding you accountable to the plan you will probably not be fully funded in 2014! I have help multiple churches in the last few years see an increase in giving!  The key to this success is that we devised a...