Budget Planning NOW

Budget Planning NOW

You might think it crazy to start thinking about budget planning when we are in the middle of July but none the less you need to be thinking about next year’s budget.  Most churches run their fiscal calendars with the New Year but many run them starting in the fall...
How Much Time Do You Spend on Offering Planning?

How Much Time Do You Spend on Offering Planning?

How much time do you spend on offering planning each week?  My guess is next to no time.  When I was a pastor I never gave the offering a thought.  Few do.  Could this be one reason church giving continues to decline? One minute for every hour?  When I was in seminary...
How Much Time Do You Spend on Offering Planning?

Offering Talk Basics

If you are a pastor, how much time did you spend this week preparing for your message?  When I was in seminary we had a preaching professor that said for every minute you preached you should spend one hour of preparation.  While I know few pastors that put in that...
We Are Behind Budget!

We Are Behind Budget!

“We are $35K behind budget going into July!”  One of my clients told me that recently.  My response to that is now is the time to start working to correct that not later.  If you are behind now and are not actively doing something to correct the decline it might...