Are You Preaching to The Choir? 

That is an old clique that simply means that the people you are attempting to communicate with get what you are saying.  It means you really don’t need to say it to them as they get it.

I find that when it comes to stewardship most pastors and churches are indeed preaching to the choir.  When we do talk about giving or generosity we are talking to a group that already understands it.  Our focus needs to be upon those that do not get it.  One such group is the Millennials, who are defined by people born between 1980 and 2000.  The Millennials are the largest segment in America totally 80 million.

The next Greatest Generation could be Millennials.

Tom Brokaw wrote a popular book about the Greatest Generation, the Builders and the contributions they made during WWII and afterwards.  That generation is called the Builders because of all they built.  The Builders built much of the structure of the Church of today in America.  Their children the Boomers have continued in that support even if they have not given as much percentage wise.  Together these two generations have funded the mission and ministry of thousands of churches.  What about their grandchildren and children, the Millennials?  I believe they could be the next great generation!

Millennials are our greatest opportunity and our greatest challenge.   

Notice the last sentence of the last paragraph I said Millennials “could be the next great generation.”  For the Church to realize this we have to do a better job of connecting with them.  We need to gear what we do towards reaching them, engaging them, listening to them and utilizing them for the Kingdom.  Tragically right now we are I fear failing to do this.  If you think all you need to do to connect Millennials to your church is turning up the sound you are missing it!

Just because,” never works when motivating people.

Remember when your kids would ask you why they had to do something and your reply was, just because?  As Dr. Phil says, “How did that work for you?”  It didn’t did it?  In the same vein simply telling Millennials to give without telling them why or what impact it makes will fail.  Millennials are not selfish they are cautious.

To get Millennials gifts you have to win their confidence.

My old boss John Maxwell use to say you have to win the heart before you ask for a hand.  That is so true when it comes to connecting to Millennials.  To gain their dollars you have to tell them why.  You have to make the case for the dollar you want them to donate.  If you fail to do that you are in essence saying, “Just because.”  Just because giving never works!

Make a case for your “ask” to connect with Millennials.

Millennials want to know that something matters.  What the Church does matters for eternity so help Millennials see what you are doing to enhance society for the good and you will move closer to connecting with them.  You don’t have to change what you are or what you do.  You simply need to tell them their story in a way that engages them.  As I say, “Get a story, work your story, tell your story and people will give to support your story!”

Since Millennials are your future what are you doing to connect with them specifically?

It is time we stopped simply preaching to the choir and start connecting with the next Greatest Generation!  If we fail to do this we will continue to see giving to Religion decline.  If you want your church to continue its missions and ministries you need to think about connecting to this crucial generation.

Mark Brooks- The Stewardship Coach