by Mark Brooks | | Blog
I wish churches understood the power of saying thank you like non-profits do. My wife’s charitable giving showed me how powerful a thank you is. Here is the story of how… “Do you want to see how non-profits treat their donors?” That was the question my...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
The single most important thing you can do to increase giving at your church is to know how to elevator pitch your offerings. You doubt that? Here is what one pastor wrote me a few years ago… “Giving at our church can be summed up with one word: phenomenal! ...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
With all that is going on around us you need to know how disruption will impact your church. I have been seeing a lot written lately about the word disruption to describe the days we live in. Disruption is defined as, “disturbance or problems that interrupt...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
With the rise of online giving in the church will we even have an offering in the coming years? By “offering,” I mean a dedicated time in the service when a plate or other collection device is passed by attendees. So, back to the question. Some church...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
Is your church ready for the Baby Boomer Boomerang? A newly released study has found that 1 in 5 Baby Boomers are turning to religion in their old age. That 20% represents approximately 19 million boomers. I am calling this trend the Baby Boom Boomerang. Why are...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
Generosity is not caught, it is taught. Yet many pastors act as if their members will eventually “get it.” I was one of those pastors early on in my career. I seldom, if ever, preached on giving. When I realized that Jesus taught more about finances than any other...