by Mark Brooks | | Blog
Since no one I know has written more offering talks than I have, I thought it would be good to share with you how I write offering talks. I actually got the idea for this post as I was writing, actually typing, next week’s offering talk for those that subscribe...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
My four reasons why summer giving goes down will surprise you! Your first thought was probably that summer giving goes down because attendance goes down. Everyone knows that. If everyone knows that then why is it that we don’t do something to head off the train...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
Today’s offering advice is this, if you want to increase giving try a change up pitch. Forgive me World Cup fans but I am a tried and true American that knows more about baseball than soccer. What I do know about baseball is that successful pitchers must have...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
It might seem odd to say that the Church is headed for winter especially since as I am writing this we are in the midst of summer. I am not referring to the actual season of the year but to a time of seeing our growth curtailed and our influence marginalized. The...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
If you are going to be fully funded you need to know what the 21st century offering looks like. As I have written before here, the offering is not dead but it has changed. Today more than ever to fill your offering plate you must provide multiple options for people...
by Mark Brooks | | Blog
Retirees WILL reshape the future of your church. An article in the June 21st 2018 edition of The Wall Street Journal caused me to think of that opening. The article was entitled, “More Retirees, Fewer Workers Strain U.S.” The opening words of the article is...