Celebrate Your Wins

Celebrate Your Wins

If you want to be fully funded this year you need to celebrate your wins.  In sports it is the winning teams that get the winning players.  When it comes to raising funds people want to know what their gift is going to and what it is doing.  Show them your wins and...
It’s Summer Time!

It’s Summer Time!

Its summer time!  I know technically it is still spring but once we are past Memorial Day in the minds of Americans we have entered into summer.  Summer is a mixed time of blessing for churches.  One the one hand we have great mission and ministry opportunities.  Yet...
Stop Being Afraid

Stop Being Afraid

Stop being afraid of the “anyones” and the “theys!”  Recently I met with a group of church leaders AFTER their capital campaign did not see the results everyone thought they should have seen.  There were a lot of reasons why as there usually are.  However one reason...
Perception Vs. Reality

Perception Vs. Reality

Perception is the cruelest form of reality.  I love that line that a friend of mine used to say all the time.  As I have been working with churches for nearly 19 years now that line has become more significant as each day passes. [wt_button...