by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 4
Does where in the service you take up the offering impact what is taken up in the offering? That was a question that came to us this past week. Should the offering come before the sermon, or at the end of the service? Does it matter? That is the focus of this...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 4
This hurricane season we have learned the power of nature and the importance of being prepared. As I write this America is cleaning up after three powerful hurricanes have torn through our coastal areas. The impact of these storms while bad could have been worse if...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 4
Should We Move to a Mostly Cashless Society? That was the headline of a recent article in the Wall Street Journal that talked about the decline of cash transactions in America. The article stated, “American consumers used cash in 32% of all retail transactions in...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 4
Do you know the keys to why people give? I would think that since about 100% of the money we receive for our ministries comes from gifts it would be important to know why that money is given to us. I hate to tell you but it is rarely because of your looks. Fund...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 4
There is a two-headed monster that keeps the majority of churches from being fully funded. Their names are apathy and the tyranny of the urgent. Are you affected by these two terrible twins? At some point in our ministry one of these bad boys will rear its ugly...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 4
I am in the midst of a major change that will not only shake up my life but shake up my industry! I share more about that in a special section after this week’s offering talk. My change led me to think about changes in the church and why it is so difficult to change...