by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 5
“I cannot let that woman die!” What woman? Where? What am I writing about? I got you don’t I? If you are reading this far you are either intrigued by that opening sentence or your just bored. For whatever reason the sentence captivated you to keep reading. That...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 5
“Recurring giving took the angst out of Monday mornings in the summer for us.” That is a quote from a client of mine. He had read a blog post of mine about the need for setting up online giving and focusing on recurring giving. He did what I recommended and...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 5
You need to prime the pump to get giving flowing for your church this summer! Few of us in our day and time know what priming the pump means. The original meaning had to do with old fashioned hand pumps that you poured liquid into a pump to expel air so that water...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 5
The picture on the left is one major reason why most churches will NOT be fully funded this summer! I can hear you saying, “But, Coach, you spend a great deal of time telling us to take up an offering and now you are saying taking up the offering is not enough?” You...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 5
One key for being fully funded this summer is story boarding out ahead of time your vision. So, what does this picture on the left have to do with this? The guy without the mask is my nephew, Sterling Gates, who writes comic books and is a key writer on the TV...
by Mark Brooks | | The Stewardship Coach, Volume 5
Proverbs says, “Without a vision the people perish.” When it comes to being fully funded I believe it all rises and falls upon vision. We must learn that EVERY “ask” has to be supported by a vision. This is especially true for younger donors. Like it or not we are...