Let Your Members Give at the Office

Let Your Members Give at the Office

If you want your church to be fully funded you need to let your members give at the office.  I gave at the office used to be something you would tell someone who knocked at your door asking for a donation.  Many charitable drives were held in offices.  How could they...
The Survey Says…Most People Write Checks AT Church

The Survey Says…Most People Write Checks AT Church

The survey says…most people write checks AT church.  LifeWay research just released a new study on tithing entitled, “Churchgoers Say They Tithe, But Not Always to the Church.”  LifeWay Study on tithing  The major focus was on tithing but they also...

Five Ways to Make Online Giving Work for Your Church

I have five ways to make online giving work for your church just in time to head off the summer slump.  Online giving is perhaps the best tool to avoid a summer slump in giving.  So here are five ways to make online giving effective for your church that will help to...