How do you view taking up the offering?  “Just when we really start to worship then we have to stop to take up the offering!”  That comment made by a staff member to me a few years ago demonstrates the view many have in the church world.  Could this reticence be one reason why giving is in decline?  Here is the question…

Is the offering worship or an interruption of worship?  I know what your intellectual answer will be.  Of course it is worship.  Few would argue it is not.  However does your attitude and actions tell a different story?  How we take up the offering is impacted by our view of the offering and our view of the offering impacts how we take up the offering!

The Contemporary Church movement devalued the offering and we are suffering the results.  How many times have you heard a contemporary church advocate tell that they found people were turned off that churches talked too much about money?  So, they either failed to take up an offering or devalued it.  The reality is that studies show churches rarely talk about money or finances in church other than passing the plate at some point in the service.  Yet based upon the feeling that churches talk too much about money the offering time is one of the least planned out elements of worship IF we even take up an offering.

Here is the problem with this view, we heard one answer but failed to ask the follow up question.  Why is talking about money upsetting to those that are unchurched?  Find out what people are against and you might find out you agree with them.  My contention is that we don’t talk too much about money.  When we do talk about it we do so in a way that turns people off.  Typically we use guilt or assume an ought to attitude when it comes to giving.  We think people ought to give and know that they ought to give!

I believe we should make people WANT to give!  One of the mantras that we use is that we want to make giving fun and easy.  The easy part relates to multiple options of how I give like online, kiosk, etc.  The fun part is understanding that my gift to your church is going to change the world!  How you ask is as important as asking!

Always help people connect the dots of how a dollar to your church touches lives.  I believe in casting a vision for each and every offering.  The more compelling that vision the more impactful the results.  Tell your story of life change and people will willingly give to support that story.  Do you know how to do that with your offerings?  I have a free white paper that lays out how to improve your offering time called, Elevator Pitch Your Offerings  Get your copy now!

Your attitude about taking up the offering will be caught by those you lead.  One of the biggest hurdles I have with regards to getting churches to turn around their giving is the pastor and staff.  Too many view the offering as an interruption or they think it will drive people away.  Here is my question…

Do you believe that what your church is doing is crucial and important?

If the answer is no then you need a new position, career or at least a change of heart.  How you view the offering says a lot about whether or not you will see a full or empty offering plate!

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach


I write my members an offering talk each week!  Try my plan for 14 days for only $1 by going to $1 for 14 Day Trail offer