Summer is fast approaching which is why you need a summer giving plan.  Right now your members are making plans for their summer vacations.  Some are already packing their bags!  If you don’t have a summer giving plan ready you will experience trouble making budget this year!  Why?  Because…

  1.  Summer is typically the worst time of the year for giving.   
  2.  Summer is typically the busiest and most costly time of the year in terms of your budget.  
  3.  After the first quarter churches often find themselves already behind budget making it difficult to catch up.  
  4.  The average church has no plans for increasing giving in the summer!  What doesn’t get planned for doesn’t get done!

So, let’s make sure you are not the average church and let’s get started on planning out your summer giving program.  For what gets planned gets done!

The above was the opening paragraphs for this week’s “Stewardship Coach,” my weekly newsletter that helps my members be fully funded all year round.  For the past few weeks we have been focusing upon Easter giving.  Now as people turn their attention towards summer we also need to begin summer planning.  You are probably well on the way to your summer planning.  Yet in all that planning do you have a plan for how to meet budget?

If you don’t have a plan you are actually planning on failure!  Right now you are excited about all the summer missions and ministry initiatives.  Yet what will happen if you enter into July and you don’t have the funds to do all you are planning?  Now is the time to assure that you do!  A good plan laid out now will avoid a crisis later.

My “The Fully Funded Summer,” plan is a proven winner!  Churches have used my plans for years now and have seen their summers fully funded.  Do you have a plan?  I have one for you and I have done all the work for you!  I have all the offering talks written.  I have all the sample letters you need.  I have all the tools in place that will allow you to be fully funded this summer.

The 2017 Fully Funded Summer

Let’s make sure your summer if fully funded!  Get my e-book today for only $9.95!  If using my plan doesn’t help increase your giving I will refund you your money!  Your missions and ministry initiatives are too important not to be fully funded.  Let’s start NOW getting the dollars you need EVERY week of the summer with The 2017 Fully Funded Summer

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach