D5FB89D3-D306-42B8-A934-D4DB7EC0AD54“Could you please talk to my pastor?”  That was the question I heard over and over as I attended the National Association of Church Business Administrators (NACBA) annual conference recently in Orlando, FL.  What brought the comment on was when I began to talk with these staff members about the status of giving at their churches.  I would tell them things we do for our clients and how they needed to implement similar strategies.  Again and again I would hear, “Don’t tell me, tell my pastor!”

Pastor you are the leader of your church in everything most especially stewardship!  If you don’t pay attention to giving and building givers who will?  The men and women that I talked to at NACBA were frustrated because so many times the Senior Pastor either was not lifting a finger to help meet the budget OR they  were spending way more money than was coming in.  Either way their churches were heading for a train wreck sooner rather than later.

Bill Easum and Bil Cornelius in their book, Go Big, write the following, “Don’t delegate raising money to someone else.  Others can help but the lead pastor is the primary fund-raiser.”

That is a great quote and every pastor in America needs to hear and heed this message!  Are you doing all you can to lead your church to increase giving?

No one trained pastors how to increase giving and givers!  Let me give a defense for pastors.  In all my educational years training to be a pastor no one ever, ever in any class talked about how to increase giving.  I cannot remember one time giving was even discussed.  It has not gotten any better today.  Open any trade magazine, leadership magazine designed for pastors and you will see few articles on giving and stewardship.  Is it any wonder we are struggling to make budget?

I can help you but you have to let me!  My frustration along with the NACBA members is that is good help available right here!  The price of our monthly membership is low and you can cancel at any time.  I give you all the materials you need.  I do the work for you!

“Following your coaching our giving is up 30%!”  That is a direct quote and it can be your quote if you will give me a chance to help you.  Surprise your staff this week by taking charge of the area you hate the most, finances.  I will help you!

“Everything rises and falls on leadership.”  That is a famous quote from my former boss John Maxwell.  Now is the time to show some leadership and get the giving help you need!

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach