Cross_Churches_Six_Ways_to_GiveIf you are concerned about increasing giving at your church you had better go mobile or get left behind!  If you think I am being alarmist consider the recent headline of an article I read that said, “Mobile Payments Will Make Credit and ATM Cards Almost Obsolete.”

That might not cause most in the church world to sit up and take note but consider this, few people today carry cash and almost no one carries a checkbook.  Yet Sunday after Sunday we pass an offering plate hoping to collect money from people who have no means to contribute.

The world is fast moving towards digital commerce and the Church’s systems of collection are out dated.  The result of this technological shift is that unless we change our systems many churches will be obsolete.

The gist of the article that I quoted above was about how smartphones and mobile payments have changed the landscape of commerce.  Even banks are having to adjust to this emerging trend.  Consider this quote from the article, “For banks, it’s clear that digital payments will not generate the fees they currently derive from plastic card transactions.  But they face a bigger threat, losing customers, if they get muscled to the sidelines in the payments business.”

“We don’t want to pay the transaction fees.”  That is the number one reason most churches give me as to why they do not have online giving set up.  In the quote above it is apparent that banks know they have to move away from plastic to keep their customers even though doing so will mean less of a percentage.

Shouldn’t the Church think the same way?  Isn’t adapting means by which donors can give more easily and thus more often worth a few pennies on the dollar?

If you don’t have online giving you are missing out on thousands of potential dollars now and even more money later.  Last December I helped one of my client churches raise $12K on the last day of the year using an email that linked donors to their online giving page.  Could you have done the same?

If you are not effectively utilizing your existing online giving you need help.  My monthly members get weekly advice on how to improve their online giving.  Whether we like it or not the world has moved towards digital commerce and the Church must adapt or face significant losses in revenue.

Join now to get help on increasing all your giving including online!

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach