3642If your church is going to be fully funded you will need to know how to use email to raise funds.  If you have not noticed our world is becoming increasingly digital and less paper driven.  This is particularly true of younger generations.  This makes it all the more important for you to understand how to use emails in raising funds.

The second biggest mistake churches make with regards to email is not understanding how they are read.  The majority of emails are not read on a smart device.  Studies have shown that 55% of emails are read on a smart device.  That percentage goes up the younger the recipient group.

15 seconds versus 0 to 3 seconds!  Studies show that those using an Android mobile device will spend fifteen seconds or more reading an email.  iPhone and iPad users give email only 0 to 3 seconds of time!  Statistics like this show how important it is for us to know how people access and read email so that we can write effective emails.

My key points on how to make your emails more effective.  Here are my minimum suggestions for your church when it comes to emails.

  • Make sure your website is mobile friendly.  This is important as you will often use clickable links within your email pointing to your website.  They will access your website with their smart device so your site must be mobile friendly.  Take the test yourself and access your church site with your smartphone and tablet.  Are all the pages easy to read?  If not then you need a redesign.  Remember you have less than 7 seconds to hold someone attention once they hit your site.
  • Rethink every email that you send! Less is more should be your mantra.  I have to admit that is hard for we preachers but our fast paced information society demand this.
  • Your subject lines must be appealing. My favorite so far was, “I could not let that woman die!”  I would have read that!  Don’t be cheesy but do think about lines that will elicit a better open rate.
  • Short paragraphs with no more than two to three sentences should be used.
  • Use bold text and underlined text as people skim documents. Highlight what you most want them to read.
  • Use clickable links allowing the reader to gain more information about an interesting topic. This allows those that want more information to get it.
  • When using email for online giving make sure you use multiple clickable links that lead straight to your giving page. Remember the easier you make it for people to give the more they will give!

So, what is the biggest mistake churches make with regard to email?  Not using email!  In my work with churches we use email effectively to increase giving.  Just take my end of year strategies as an example.  I have helped churches raise thousands of dollars on the last day of the year with well written and timely emails.  You can get that same help too.

Try my plan for 14 days for only $1!  To sign up go to, $1 Trail

Let’s get you fully funded with effective emails!

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach