EasterEaster is a great day to take up the offering!  Did you say, huh?  Shouldn’t you put your best foot forward on Easter since you have a lot of guests or nominal members present?  Do you really want to risk offending them by taking up an offering?  The answer is yes, IF you take up the offering correctly.  I believe the push back on the offering from guests, if it exists, is in HOW we collect the funds not THAT we collect funds.  So the key is to position this “ask” with care.

You are spending extra time this week making sure that everything is just right for all those guests you hope to attract.  How much time have you spent on planning the Easter offering?  How could you take that offering talk to the next level?  How could you set it up for success?  In all the rush you have these next few weeks it would be worth your time to spend just a few minutes planning out the offering.

Generic Title“We took in $17K more than we typically do on Sunday using your Easter giving plan.”  That is a direct quote from one of my monthly members who used my ideas a few Easters back to close out the giving gap they had experienced due to harsh weather.  You too can experience an increase in giving on Easter.

Get a copy of this manual at the following link…

Easter Giving Plan

How to use Easter to boost your giving – Here are some ideas that will help you increase your Easter offerings…

  • First, make a case for why people should give to your offering. What will the Easter offering go to support?  Even if it is for general funds focus upon some key aspects that your general fund supports and highlight those.
  • Use Social Media this week to set the stage for the offering.  Use pictures to show the work of your church in action thus supporting your cause for asking people to give.
  • Send out an email blast encouraging support for your Easter offering.
  • Plan the offering talk. This includes not simply what will be said but who will make the talk.  Consider using video slides to highlight the ministry or missions you are focusing upon.
  • Charis_firstTimeDonorsMake sure you follow up. For those that give for the first time you should send them a letter thanking them for their gift and again stressing the difference it makes.  I would recommend a thank you letter to all who give.  A thank you is the best reminder of giving and will help generate more gifts.  Get my plan for 1st time givers, called, “First Time, Next Time, All the Time: A Plan for 1st Time Donors,” here, 1st Time Giver Plan

Part of your ongoing plan for increasing giving and gaining new givers is to set the offering in a positive light.  So, why would you not do that on a Sunday when you have more people than any other time?  Let’s not be afraid of asking people to worship with us on Easter.  Give them a reason to give and they will give!  Then you can work on their next gift.

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach

Would you like to get weekly offering talks plus the above e-books?  Try my plan for increasing giving called Giving365 for 14 days for only $1!  Go to…

$1 for 14 Day Trail offer