If your giving is already off to a poor start in the New Year let me share with you why you need to act now if you are already behind budget.  Not only will I show you  three reasons why you need to act know I am going to tell you what two key steps you must make immediately.  First, let’s talk about why you need to act now.

The sooner you admit a problem and take steps to resolve it the easier it is to resolve.  We know this right?  Put something off and the longer it goes the harder it becomes to solve whatever the issue is.  That is simple logic right?  Well, the same is true when it comes to giving.  Stop waiting for some miracle offering.  Hope is not a strategy.  So, work NOW to create a plan of action because it is easier to fix at the beginning than in July.

Next, realize that if you are behind now it can snowball to become worse.  You might be thinking, “But the weather impacted a few of our weekends, so that is why we are down in giving.”  So, do you think that trend is over?  Do you think every offering from here on out will be above budget?  Do you think the three day weekend holidays out there on the calendar won’t impact your offerings?  If you are behind now it is probable that you will fall further behind without some plan of action.

The longer you wait to resolve your giving gap the more your key donors will question your fiscal responsibility.  Donors want to feel their gifts are being properly used by the institutions they give to.  When you fail to meet budget and then ultimately in July send out letters of desperation it causes your fiscal responsibility to take a hit with your key donors.  They think, “Why are they just now getting around to addressing this issue?” Acting now at the first sign of difficulty will build confidence in your key donors that you are acting responsibly.

So there are three reasons WHY you need to act NOW, let me share with you some keys you can take immediately.

We are four Sundays into the New Year and my question to you is how is giving thus far?  Do you know?  Do you really know?  Most pastors don’t know.  You need to change that immediately as the first step towards catching up is…

Be aware of your current giving trends.  You can’t fix a problem unless you know you have a problem.  If you are already behind budget you have a problem.  Ignorance is bliss until July when the treasurer tells you she can’t pay your salary.  The time to act is NOW but you have to be aware that you need to act.  We do giving audits that will allow you to KNOW where you stand and then devise a plan of action for you.  Contact me today to find out how I can begin this process for you at Mark@CharisGivingSolutions.com

The second step towards catching up is…

Develop and implement a plan of action NOW!  Knowing that you need to do something is the beginning.  Planning WHAT to do is the crucial part.  For nearly 20 years I have helped churches reverse declines in giving.  I once helped a church reverse a -3% in one year to a 12% increase the next.  That was a $3 million dollar swing!  I have helped large and small churches alike.  Any church can get help through The Stewardship Coach.  Find out how at The Stewardship Coach

So, there are three reasons why you need to act and two good steps you can take to address your giving gap.  Act now because before you know it summer will be here and you will need to be fully funded to do all God has laid upon your heart.  I can help!

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach