The number one barrier to a successful offering might surprise you.  It is not because the offering plate or bucket is out dated.  That day may come soon but it is not here as of yet.  In fact a LifeWay study this year revealed that more than half of those that give to a church do so AT their church.  That means they give via some plate, basket or bucket.  So what is the number one barrier?

Let me share a story that illustrates what the number one barrier is.  Years ago I was brought in by a top 100 church to help reverse a decline in giving.  As I met with the staff and began asking about their services one of them made this comment…

“Just as we really get into worship we have to stop and take up the offering!”

I was stunned.  The offering is not an interruption TO worship.  The offering IS worship.

I was not surprised at the comment.  I have heard similar comments from staff about the offering that while not as outrageous were none the less damning.  Simply put the offering is viewed by the vast majority of pastors and staff as an unnecessary evil they have to put up with.  They thus become the barrier to a successful offering.

Think I am wrong?  Tell me how much time you spent this week planning out the offering time and that will reveal your attitude about the offering.  Here is what I know…

Attitude determines action.  If you never plan out the offering YOU, even if it is unwitting, are a barrier to having a successful worship.

Our attitudes are formed by our belief system.  What you believe about the offering determines your attitude and thus your action.  So, let me ask you…

Do you believe?  Do you believe that God has called Christians to make disciples for Jesus?  Do you believe in the mission of your church to fulfill that calling?  Do you believe in the mission work your church supports?  Do you believe in the work you do for your church?

If your answer is not yes then you either need a personal revival OR you need to get another job!  We are in the life changing business.  What we do makes an impact for all eternity.

I am counting that you said yes to the questions above.  Here is my next set of questions then.  Do you believe the mission of your church deserves to be fully funded?  Do you believe the work you do for your church means you should be fairly compensated?  Again, I am counting on a yes.  So, one final question.

If your members don’t give their money to support all of the above how will you ever accomplish what God has called you to do?  You know the answer.  So, let’s work towards seeing your mission and ministry initiatives AND your salary fully funded.

It starts with you!  When it comes to helping a church be fully funded the biggest obstacle I have to overcome in the typical church is the staff.  Sometimes it is the Senior Pastor!  If the ministerial staff don’t see the importance of being fully funded then how in the world will the rest of the congregation?  They won’t.

If your members don’t see the importance of what you are doing they will not generously give to support the work of your church.  Conversely, IF your members are shown the value of what you do, the importance of giving for a Christ follower they will willingly give.

We have enough barriers to overcome in ministry.  Don’t YOU be the barrier to successfully taking up the offering.

Mark Brooks – The Stewardship Coach