In your down time let me give you 2 things that will increase your offerings in 2019.  These are simple and easy to do but it will mean a huge increase in giving fueling your missions and ministry plans for the coming year.

First, I stress the importance of expressing gratitude to donors.  I would suggest writing personal notes of gratitude to top donors, key leaders, key ministry leaders, etc.  What if you set a goal of 31 thank yous representing each day of the New Year?

I can assure you that right now, Red Cross Executives have their lists in hand ready to write their thank yous!

The other major thing I recommend is to make January Recurring Giving Sign Up Month.  I do this because January is that time where people make resolutions.  I want them to resolve to give and we can help them keep that resolve!

I will below list a summary of various strategies to help achieve this.

But first…

I would challenge you to set a goal of a say 5% or 10% increase in automated giving for the year.  Your goal in pushing for this in January is to get their offering in July when they are at the lake, beach or visiting Mickey.  If you could increase your percentage of those signed up for recurring giving in January just do the math.

Mark’s thoughts and recommendations

  • I would create a screen shot to run on the screens, lobbies, etc. highlighting the benefits of signing up.  I would start this on December 30th. That graphic could also be used on Social Media.
  • I would use Social Media as a tool for sign up starting the weekend of December 28th.  Here I would utilize pictures of missions and ministry wins.  I would have a tag line at the end saying in essence…”Our church members helped make this possible by their generosity.  To sign up…”
  • Web page presence starting right after Christmas – I know this real estate space is precious BUT, come July…  I would encourage this as we want to make it easy for people to sign up.  You thus need a great landing site that all emails and Social Media posts direct people to.
  • Sunday Bulletin – Again, I know this real estate is precious but, a few lines with a link to the web for sign up would help drive people there. An insert perhaps?
  • Envelopes?  Yes, I do know they can sign up easier online.  However, some feel safer IF someone in the office does that for them.  Besides, the envelope in the chair rack is just my idea of a non-threatening advertisement.
  • Sunday December 30th offering talk/video.  I recommend using the 60 seconds as the ushers come forward to use this time to highlight the benefits of automated giving.
  • December 31st email?  I always recommend a last day email.  Doing so can capture thousands of dollars even if the new tax law has limited those that can claim deductions.  IF, you do send out a December 31st email, I would recommend some mention of signing up for automated giving perhaps at least the PS.
  • Sunday January 6th and 13th – Basically I would recommend what I stressed for the week before.  I would again take the offering moment to focus on sign up.  I would recommend a few Social Media posts during this time right up to the 13th.  After that I have one more last attempt…
  • Giving Statements – Churches still have to send out giving statements.  So, what if you made one last appeal?  Even if you email statements something similar can be created.

Hopefully this will help build at least a January strategy.

Mark Brooks

Senior Generosity Strategist

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