How to Make Up a Lost Offering Due to Weather

If you don’t know how to make up a lost offering due to weather cancellations you might not make budget this year.  The recent events of two hurricanes hitting our nation has increased our awareness of how weather can impact our lives.  What few think about,...

5 Easy Steps You Can Take Right Now

There are 5 easy steps you can take right now that can help you reverse any decline in giving!  Giving to the Church has been slowly declining year after year.  At the present rate of decline Americans by 2050 will only give 1% of their disposable incomes to the...

Does Ananias Serve on Your Finance Team?

Does Ananias serve on your finance team?  Nearly every church in America has an Ananias or his wife Sapphira on their Finance Team.  You remember the story in Acts chapter five of Ananias and Sapphira.  They sold their home and pretended to give all the proceeds to...

4 Kinds of Church Leaders I Can’t Help

There are 4 kinds of church leaders I can’t help.  I get asked a lot, “Can you help my church?”  My answer is, “It depends.”  There are some churches I can’t help and it has nothing to do with the church but its leadership.  In my...