10 Tips for Writing Better Direct Appeal Letters

Here are my 10 tips for writing better direct appeal letters.  Direct mail?  Why would you want in this digital age to send an appeal letter through the mail?  They work!  While online giving is steadily increasing it still represents only about 10% of all giving to...
Does your program REALLY work?

Does your program REALLY work?

Mark, I am very intrigued by your program.  My church has been in a giving decline for several months now!  It’s very stressful.  And I’m deeply concerned.  I really have just ONE question: Does your program REALLY work? That was a question a pastor sent...

The One Thing Every Church Can Do to Improve Giving

Do you know what the one thing every church can do to improve giving?  Improve their offering time!  If you will invest some time in planning out what you say before you take up the offering I can guarantee you that it WILL increase your giving.  I call it Elevator...